Hi Sully,
Thanks for the link.
I can view the menu images and all other images fine on Vista x86 and XP/SP3
IE6, but not on an XP/SP3 IE8 virtual image. The difference is that I have
MS Office installed only on the Vista machine.
You have conditional comments for MS Office
<!--[if gte mso 9]>
and for VML
<!--[if gte vml 1]>
(IE8 on XP is not recognizing these conditional comments, while IE8 on Vista
x86 does. This is an issue/bug.)
To correct your pages for XP machines running IE8.
1. Make a backup of your website somewhere on your computer (FTP it from
your web site)
2. Open up your site in IE8. Start with your homepage... Index.htm
3. Press F12 to display the Developer Tool. You should see that the browser
mode is IE8 and the Document Mode is Quirks. Select the File>Customize
Internet Explorer View Source>Default Viewer to ensure you have the color
coded built-in editor selected.
4. Select View>Source from the IE8 menu to open the Editor.
5. Save a copy of the markup to a text file. From the editor File>Save
Source (select as txt file extension). Open the saved file up with notepad
(default txt file type editor) and display the Source Viewer and Notepad
windows side by side for comparison.
Using the Notepad copy you have to find and delete those sections of code
that are appearing as Green in color in the Source Viewer. viz. those blocks
of code within the <!--[if gte mso 9]> and <!--[if gte vml 1]> conditional
comment blocks.
Once you have removed those blocks, save the notepad version as a htm file
and then ftp it back to your server to over-write your sever copies.
Do the same for all the htm files on your site, nothing else has to change
(images and links etc.).
If this seems too much effort, then you may consider hiring an
under-graduate or student to do it for you. (Print a copy of this thread to
instruct them as to what to do.) There is no real hurry as the uptake of IE8
by users will take some time and your site will currently display fine in
IE6 and 7 and in 8 on Vista. Other browsers (that have a small market share)
are un-affected by conditional comments, they ignore the blocks.
Ultimately though you should upgrade your site using a more modern editing
program. Perhaps another job for a struggling student or maybe your kids.
Can you leave you site unchanged for a week or two? The good folks at MS
will see this thread and may like to test it themselves. (Some are guitar
players, you may get a sale or two).
Can you also post back with your OS version and Service Pack level (I assume
it is XP/SP3).
Post by sullyI have a website created in the Publisher Program and IE8 will not display it
properly. The navigation bars will not display.
Post by rob^_^Hi All,
If you are a web publisher using MS Publisher 2003 or higher and are
experiencing problems displaying your site in IE8 could you please post your
web site address to this thread for us to have a look at.
and whether or not your site was created from a Web Site Template or an
Imported Word document.