outlook express ie 7
(too old to reply)
senior sue
2009-07-05 06:48:01 UTC
been away when i got back ms did update now i cant send receive or open saved
email in outlook express ,or saved emil in my doc that others have sent

when i system restore all ok then ms updates again . message--address book
incorrectily configured reinstall click ok then--error opening message-ok
then out/exp cuold not open may noi be installed correctly. (0x8004104F,1400)
contact ms for assistance Will charge $80 .

have tryed to reinstall cant find link .have reinstalled ie 7
had no trouble before why has this happened after update
useing xp home
PA Bear [MS MVP]
2009-07-05 07:23:05 UTC
[Crossposted to OE General newsgroup; please continue the crosspost in your

Installing/uninstalling IE7 makes no changes to OE6.

Is MS Office and/or MS Outlook (2003?) installed?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
Post by senior sue
been away when i got back ms did update now i cant send receive or open
saved email in outlook express ,or saved emil in my doc that others have
when i system restore all ok then ms updates again . message--address book
incorrectily configured reinstall click ok then--error opening message-ok
then out/exp cuold not open may noi be installed correctly.
(0x8004104F,1400) contact ms for assistance Will charge $80 .
have tryed to reinstall cant find link .have reinstalled ie 7
had no trouble before why has this happened after update
useing xp home
senior sue
2009-07-05 08:44:00 UTC
have ms office 2003 and 2000
Post by PA Bear [MS MVP]
[Crossposted to OE General newsgroup; please continue the crosspost in your
Installing/uninstalling IE7 makes no changes to OE6.
Is MS Office and/or MS Outlook (2003?) installed?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
Post by senior sue
been away when i got back ms did update now i cant send receive or open
saved email in outlook express ,or saved emil in my doc that others have
when i system restore all ok then ms updates again . message--address book
incorrectily configured reinstall click ok then--error opening message-ok
then out/exp cuold not open may noi be installed correctly.
(0x8004104F,1400) contact ms for assistance Will charge $80 .
have tryed to reinstall cant find link .have reinstalled ie 7
had no trouble before why has this happened after update
useing xp home
PA Bear [MS MVP]
2009-07-05 15:46:38 UTC
Post by senior sue
have ms office 2003 and 2000
• Do you have this Registry key?...


• If not, STOP; If so, is there a DWORD named UseOutlook (NB: no space) and
is its value set to 1 (one)?

• If not, STOP; If so, Address Book is configured to share contacts with
Outlook, even if you don't use it (can happen with the install of Office).
Change the value to 0 (zero), close REGEDIT & reboot: Address Book should be
available to you and all should be well. (If that DWORD is not present,
don't create it, and don't alter any other DWORD values.)

Note that any changes (additions, deletions, edits) made while sharing was
enabled will not be available (displayed) in Address Book when sharing is

Tip: Open Address Book & click on Tools. If there's a "Share contacts with
Outlook" option, it should NOT be checked/enabled.

=> If Outlook is installed but you don't use it (including its Calendaring
function), do the following to avoid this in the future:

1. Configure Automatic Updates to the Notify Only option (you must approve
which updates are downloaded, which updates are installed and when they're
installed). See...

How to configure and use Automatic Updates in WinXP:

2. When an Outlook update is offered (including Junk Mail Filter updates),
do not approve the download and "hide" it.

Tip: The above will also stop Outlook updates from "hijacking" the default
Mail Client from OE to OL, too.
~PA Bear
Post by senior sue
have ms office 2003 and 2000
Post by PA Bear [MS MVP]
[Crossposted to OE General newsgroup; please continue the crosspost in your
Installing/uninstalling IE7 makes no changes to OE6.
Is MS Office and/or MS Outlook (2003?) installed?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002
Post by senior sue
been away when i got back ms did update now i cant send receive or open
saved email in outlook express ,or saved emil in my doc that others have
when i system restore all ok then ms updates again . message--address book
incorrectily configured reinstall click ok then--error opening message-ok
then out/exp cuold not open may noi be installed correctly.
(0x8004104F,1400) contact ms for assistance Will charge $80 .
have tryed to reinstall cant find link .have reinstalled ie 7
had no trouble before why has this happened after update
useing xp home
2009-07-05 18:42:46 UTC
Post by PA Bear [MS MVP]
[Crossposted to OE General newsgroup; please continue the crosspost in your
<snipped reply>

Original newsgroup: microsoft.public.internetexplorer.beta

This is to warn that PA Bear has moved or copied an existing discussion
to another group by cross-posting his reply to groups not originally
specified by the OP (original post[er]). There may be more replies back
under the original post in the original group than just those shown
under the subthread for PA Bear's reply. If the OP and others wish to
see ALL replies then they must visit the original group to view the
other subthreads that are NOT under PA Bear's reply.

If the OP wishes to move or copy their discussion to another group, that
should be THEIR choice and not an action enforced by another *user*.
Despite his pretense, PA Bear is not a moderator or admin but just
another user who is moving or copying the discussions of others to
different group(s) that he has divined as more appropriate. If the OP
wants to move or copy their discussion to another group, that should be
THEIR choice, not PA Bear's. PA Bear should only recommend to the OP
that there may be more proper or useful groups to which the OP should
repost or cross-post their message. He should only suggest the move,
not try to enforce it.
Peter Foldes
2009-07-05 19:00:04 UTC

Since the post concerned OE it was appropriate to crosspost (move) it to the OE
newsgroup. This is on account that others who might run into the same issue with OE
and they post or read the OE newsgroup rather than the IE8 one would also benefit
from the issue at hand.
You are wrong on your thinking about why it was crossposted to the OE newsgroup.Also
why would anyone looking for a possible solution for their OE issue come to this IE8

Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.
Post by VanguardLH
Post by PA Bear [MS MVP]
[Crossposted to OE General newsgroup; please continue the crosspost in your
<snipped reply>
Original newsgroup: microsoft.public.internetexplorer.beta
This is to warn that PA Bear has moved or copied an existing discussion
to another group by cross-posting his reply to groups not originally
specified by the OP (original post[er]). There may be more replies back
under the original post in the original group than just those shown
under the subthread for PA Bear's reply. If the OP and others wish to
see ALL replies then they must visit the original group to view the
other subthreads that are NOT under PA Bear's reply.
If the OP wishes to move or copy their discussion to another group, that
should be THEIR choice and not an action enforced by another *user*.
Despite his pretense, PA Bear is not a moderator or admin but just
another user who is moving or copying the discussions of others to
different group(s) that he has divined as more appropriate. If the OP
wants to move or copy their discussion to another group, that should be
THEIR choice, not PA Bear's. PA Bear should only recommend to the OP
that there may be more proper or useful groups to which the OP should
repost or cross-post their message. He should only suggest the move,
not try to enforce it.
2009-07-06 05:39:28 UTC
Post by Peter Foldes
Since the post concerned OE it was appropriate to crosspost (move) it to the OE
newsgroup. This is on account that others who might run into the same issue with OE
and they post or read the OE newsgroup rather than the IE8 one would also benefit
from the issue at hand.
You are wrong on your thinking about why it was crossposted to the OE newsgroup.Also
why would anyone looking for a possible solution for their OE issue come to this IE8
Until a solution is offered which works for the OP and proves the
problem was in OE, there is no guarantee that the problem originated
where the symptom was reported. In fact, since OE relies on methods
from IE .dll files but since OE support died back in 2006 and because
the OP updated to IE8, how can YOU be sure that the problem isn't due to
an incompatibility in the stale code in OE with the new version of IE?
OE is dead so there will be no fixes for it. The problem instead could
stem back to IE8.

Consider what happens when PA Bear, or anyone else, starts moving
discussions into other groups that THEY believe are more on target.
What if they are wrong? What happens to the OP or anyone else reading
the cross-posted subthread in the other groups but then don't see
replies made under the original post in the original group? So PA Bear
*thinks* another group might be more appropriate. Then we get more
regulars doing the same but THEY decide what might be more appropriate.
Sooner or later you end up with other jokers newly cross-posting their
replies into totally unrelated newsgroups.

Moving threads around is very netcoppish; however, because he is taking
overt action on the behavior of the discussion (rather than just making
comments), it borders on trollish.

PA Bear is not admin. He is not a moderator. He shouldn't be moving
discussions around. If his trend continues to other posters without
being slapped for that action, this problem will get worse and
discussions will get moved ANYWHERE that someone divines is more
appropriate based on their own bias.
2009-07-06 16:26:05 UTC
Post by Peter Foldes
Since the post concerned OE it was appropriate to crosspost (move)
it to the OE newsgroup. This is on account that others who might run
into the same issue with OE and they post or read the OE newsgroup
rather than the IE8 one would also benefit from the issue at hand.
You are wrong on your thinking about why it was crossposted to the
OE newsgroup.Also why would anyone looking for a possible solution
for their OE issue come to this IE8 newsgroup

It is never appropriate to crosspost/multipost/etc. for anyone else.
Only for the posts you originated.
Brian Murphy
2009-07-09 23:21:47 UTC
How about you all go cross post yourselves....
Post by Peter Foldes
Since the post concerned OE it was appropriate to crosspost (move)
it to the OE newsgroup. This is on account that others who might run
into the same issue with OE and they post or read the OE newsgroup
rather than the IE8 one would also benefit from the issue at hand.
You are wrong on your thinking about why it was crossposted to the
OE newsgroup.Also why would anyone looking for a possible solution
for their OE issue come to this IE8 newsgroup
It is never appropriate to crosspost/multipost/etc. for anyone else. Only
for the posts you originated.
Brian Murphy
2009-07-10 01:19:57 UTC
Post by Brian Murphy
How about you all go cross post yourselves....
There's Brian again offering his stud services.
He never does get any customers, though.
That crayoned sign on his fencepost is looking mighty faded.
( >>;-P )
2009-07-05 18:39:20 UTC
Post by senior sue
been away when i got back ms did update now i cant send receive or open saved
email in outlook express ,or saved emil in my doc that others have sent
when i system restore all ok then ms updates again . message--address book
incorrectily configured reinstall click ok then--error opening message-ok
then out/exp cuold not open may noi be installed correctly. (0x8004104F,1400)
contact ms for assistance Will charge $80 .
have tryed to reinstall cant find link .have reinstalled ie 7
had no trouble before why has this happened after update
useing xp home
A myriad of problems have been reported with OE after installing IE8,
which include: newly downloaded (received) e-mails are empty, unable to
edit outbound e-mails after switching identities, configured fonts in OE
are not honored and instead the fonts configured in IE8 are used, and

Outlook Express is a long dead (unsupported) product. OE was bundled
with IE up to version 6 of IE. Since OE was no longer supported, it was
no longer bundled with IE as of version 7 and later. OE is dependent on
methods (functions) in IE's DLL files. Since IE7/8 are not required to
support a long-unsupported product (since 2006), OE incurs problems.
There will be no updates for OE since it is unsupported, so any problems
it has with IE8+ will not get fixed. Until you decide to migrate to a
newer and supported e-mail client, you might want to uninstall IE8 and
stick with IE7. After switching back to IE7, and to avoid any nuisance
alerts from Windows Update for IE8, visit the Windows Update site and
expand the selection for IE8 to enable the option to ignore that update.
Then you won't keep getting nuisanced about it.

You might also want to reconsider how Automatic Updates are configured
in your host. If you have it set to automatically download and
automatically install updates then you are choosing to let Microsoft
change the state of your host whenever they feel like doing so. Instead
configure AU to only notify you of the updates. You can decide if and
when to install them yourself.
senior sue
2009-07-06 01:56:01 UTC
i use incredimail as default but others send by outlook exprees and i get the
error as in post
soi still cant read them or ones i have saved in my doc
use ie 7
auto updates now off

Post by VanguardLH
Post by senior sue
been away when i got back ms did update now i cant send receive or open saved
email in outlook express ,or saved emil in my doc that others have sent
when i system restore all ok then ms updates again . message--address book
incorrectily configured reinstall click ok then--error opening message-ok
then out/exp cuold not open may noi be installed correctly. (0x8004104F,1400)
contact ms for assistance Will charge $80 .
have tryed to reinstall cant find link .have reinstalled ie 7
had no trouble before why has this happened after update
useing xp home
A myriad of problems have been reported with OE after installing IE8,
which include: newly downloaded (received) e-mails are empty, unable to
edit outbound e-mails after switching identities, configured fonts in OE
are not honored and instead the fonts configured in IE8 are used, and
Outlook Express is a long dead (unsupported) product. OE was bundled
with IE up to version 6 of IE. Since OE was no longer supported, it was
no longer bundled with IE as of version 7 and later. OE is dependent on
methods (functions) in IE's DLL files. Since IE7/8 are not required to
support a long-unsupported product (since 2006), OE incurs problems.
There will be no updates for OE since it is unsupported, so any problems
it has with IE8+ will not get fixed. Until you decide to migrate to a
newer and supported e-mail client, you might want to uninstall IE8 and
stick with IE7. After switching back to IE7, and to avoid any nuisance
alerts from Windows Update for IE8, visit the Windows Update site and
expand the selection for IE8 to enable the option to ignore that update.
Then you won't keep getting nuisanced about it.
You might also want to reconsider how Automatic Updates are configured
in your host. If you have it set to automatically download and
automatically install updates then you are choosing to let Microsoft
change the state of your host whenever they feel like doing so. Instead
configure AU to only notify you of the updates. You can decide if and
when to install them yourself.
2009-07-06 06:29:51 UTC
Post by senior sue
i use incredimail
So you use Incredimail as your e-mail client? It seemed from your
original post that you were asking about Outlook Express (and by
implication that problems with OE stemmed from a recent install of IE8
due to the newsgroup in which you posted). Incredimail has its own
problems and not even the vendor of that product provides support for
it. They don't even provide forums for users to help other users.

If it is with Incredimail with which you are having problems, but
because I wouldn't touch it if I was paid to, I can only suggest that
you uninstall and reinstall the program. If it has an export/import
function then you probably should export your data before the uninstall
so you can import it after a reinstall (but getting data out of
Incredimail is one of the many complaints regarding this product by its
users). The problem with reinstalling Incredimail is getting its old
data into the reinstalled copy. Incredimail is deparate to keep you
locked into their adware program. They won't let you export your data;
read their article at:


They start out with a lie. I haven't used an e-mail client yet that
didn't allow some means of exporting some of my data from it. Their
workaround has to visit EVERY e-mail stored in their client to save it
as an .eml file (that other e-mail clients could use). Hope you have a
lot of spare time if you have thousands of e-mails in Incredimail.
http://email.about.com/cs/incredimailtips/qt/et012403.htm mentions a
couple utilities to assist in exporting e-mails out of Incredimail
(although it also mentions that one of them doesn't support the latest
versions of Incredimail).

I would recommend using a different e-mail client. Incredimail is an
adware product which also incorporates spyware (but which the company
"promises" not to abuse). An open connection is maintained between the
Incredimail client and its servers (to which your e-mails can get
copied). The continuous open conduit allows them to shove ads into
their adware client but it also means they can install software anytime
they feel like it should you be logged under an admin-level Windows
account. There are many problems when using Incredimail as an e-mail
client. Is Incredimail really what you use as your e-mail client?
Post by senior sue
as default but others send by outlook exprees and i get the
error as in post
What others are using as their e-mail client is mostly irrelevant to
what YOU use. Which e-mail client are YOU using: Incredimail or Outlook

If you decide to get rid of Incredimail and go to another e-mail client,
read http://www.oeupdates.com/Uninstall-remove-IncrediMail.html. As is
typical of adware, its uninstall is dirty (i.e., lots of remnant
registry entries and files are left behind).
Post by senior sue
soi still cant read them or ones i have saved in my doc
I do not know what you mean by "saved in my doc". Does that mean you
are saving e-mails outside of your e-mail client? If so, how are you
doing that (since "saving" could be significantly different between
Incredimail and Outlook Express)?
Post by senior sue
use ie 7
You said you reinstalled IE7. But your original post said it was an
"update" without noting WHAT was the update. Since you reinstalled IE7,
does that mean the update was to install IE8 (and why you posted to this
group)? Just want to be sure it was an IE8 install that caused the

If the update was to install IE8, and since Incredimail (if that is what
you are using) is an e-mail client that embraces HTML-formatted e-mails
(although by using very bloated and poorly constructed HTML code), it
may not be compatible with IE8. Incredimail's web site gives no
information regarding the versions of that product, so you can't tell if
there is a more recent version that is IE8 compatible. You're stuck
with downloading whatever they currently provide for a download file, do
an install, and see if they came out with a new version that is IE8

You mentioned that a System Restore point got your setup working again
but that subsequent updates screwed it up. Below you mention not doing
automatic updates anymore. So does a System Restore still get your
setup (for whatever e-mail client) working again?
Post by senior sue
auto updates now off
I would recommend setting AU to "notify" rather than completely disable
it. Then you will now when updates are available but YOU decide when to
install them. You can also then tell just what update is being offered.
Kelly G
2009-10-09 15:43:01 UTC
I am having this exact same problem. Is it possible to switch to Outlook
from Outlook Express and retain all the messages in my Inbox and saved
messages in folders?
Post by VanguardLH
Post by senior sue
been away when i got back ms did update now i cant send receive or open saved
email in outlook express ,or saved emil in my doc that others have sent
when i system restore all ok then ms updates again . message--address book
incorrectily configured reinstall click ok then--error opening message-ok
then out/exp cuold not open may noi be installed correctly. (0x8004104F,1400)
contact ms for assistance Will charge $80 .
have tryed to reinstall cant find link .have reinstalled ie 7
had no trouble before why has this happened after update
useing xp home
A myriad of problems have been reported with OE after installing IE8,
which include: newly downloaded (received) e-mails are empty, unable to
edit outbound e-mails after switching identities, configured fonts in OE
are not honored and instead the fonts configured in IE8 are used, and
Outlook Express is a long dead (unsupported) product. OE was bundled
with IE up to version 6 of IE. Since OE was no longer supported, it was
no longer bundled with IE as of version 7 and later. OE is dependent on
methods (functions) in IE's DLL files. Since IE7/8 are not required to
support a long-unsupported product (since 2006), OE incurs problems.
There will be no updates for OE since it is unsupported, so any problems
it has with IE8+ will not get fixed. Until you decide to migrate to a
newer and supported e-mail client, you might want to uninstall IE8 and
stick with IE7. After switching back to IE7, and to avoid any nuisance
alerts from Windows Update for IE8, visit the Windows Update site and
expand the selection for IE8 to enable the option to ignore that update.
Then you won't keep getting nuisanced about it.
You might also want to reconsider how Automatic Updates are configured
in your host. If you have it set to automatically download and
automatically install updates then you are choosing to let Microsoft
change the state of your host whenever they feel like doing so. Instead
configure AU to only notify you of the updates. You can decide if and
when to install them yourself.
2009-08-05 23:23:01 UTC
I'm having trouble seting my outlook express, like what is incomin mail
pop3,imap,http and where can I find out what I have, same thing with outgoing
mail smtp where can I find this imformatation so that I could propelly set my
outlook email account.
Post by senior sue
been away when i got back ms did update now i cant send receive or open saved
email in outlook express ,or saved emil in my doc that others have sent
when i system restore all ok then ms updates again . message--address book
incorrectily configured reinstall click ok then--error opening message-ok
then out/exp cuold not open may noi be installed correctly. (0x8004104F,1400)
contact ms for assistance Will charge $80 .
have tryed to reinstall cant find link .have reinstalled ie 7
had no trouble before why has this happened after update
useing xp home