Hi Mik,
No Problems here on Vista x86 SP2. Do you have the InPrivate Filtering (aka
Ad blocker) configured to always start in IE8 or do you have
ie.microsoft.com in your restricted zone or have turned off active scripting
in the Internet Zone?
Did you install the UA patch that was posted on the IEBlog? (I haven't
yet.... I don't want my IE8 UA blown away)...
Oh another thing... IE9Preview will open with the browser mode that you last
closed it in... You may be opening it in Quirks mode (explains the script
errors). Look at the status bar or select the Debug>Reset Document Mode
Post by MikroIE 9 preview stopped working it's tossing up Javascript errors and nothing
loads the IE test page even broke in the IE 9 preview but still runs for the
stuff that's supported in IE 8
Posted by Mikro